Your group is hungry for God: and you all want more.
You all feel overwhelmed: and you want to lean into rest with Him.
Life is busy: and you want to be intentional about drawing near.
Your group members want to know more about what God says about them: and how He feels toward them.
You all long to know more about Jesus: and His motivation to go to the cross.
You're all curious about what is meant by "the bride of Christ": and what that means for you.
You're ready to lean in: and want someone to go deep into Scripture and Jewish context with.
You're Stressed: from work, family responsibilities, and feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day.
You're Overwhelmed: by all the conflicting information out there about diet and exercise, and unsure where to start to make lasting changes.
You're struggling with aches and pains, and fatigue that make it difficult to enjoy daily activities.
You feel stuck. Stuck in unhealthy habits and routines, like eating an entire bag of chips while watching TV.
You can come up with 100 excuses about why I can’t or don’t have time to exercise.
You just want to feel better, sleep better and have more energy.
You need help to prioritize your health and overall well-being in a way that works with my busy schedule.
You are ready to make a change, but don’t know how to begin or get the support and accountability to stick with it.
I'm an Author & Speaker, passionate about helping women encounter Jesus, experience transformative hope, and live a life deeply rooted in the Word of God.
Like Jesus, I believe so much in the power of stories to illustrate spiritual principles, grow our faith, and increase empathy (hello parables!), so whether it's in my Christian fiction bookS, on the stage, or in my Bible Studies, you'll find me sharing stories that reveal the beauty of Jesus amidst everyday life.
Through the Betrothed course you can learn about the love of God, His thoughts toward you, Jewish customs and culture, the significance of the Bridal mystery in Scripture, and the incredible offer He has you!
Discover Jesus as the Bridegroom and begin to grasp the significance of the Bridal mystery in Scripture.
Uncover ancient Jewish betrothal customs that bring insight & understanding to Jesus' words and actions.
Learn how God thinks about you and about the powerful love you're loved with.
Crave Jesus' appearing by knowing rightly who you wait for, and what He has promised you.
Gain understanding of how to ready yourself for His return, knowing it's not a mythical someday, but a literal any day.