Hello, I'm Ann Goering

Hello, I'm Ann Goering

What I'm supposed to share: I'm a four-time award winning journalist and author of "Up From the Ash Heap" & The Glendale Series, which hit #2 on Amazon's best-sellers list for Christian fiction. I've spent the past decade working with an International Christian ministry, which has given me a heart for sharing the gospel and seeing individuals and families become healthy, happy, and whole in Jesus.

What I want to share: There's no squeaky clean, unrealistic perfection here, only a heart sold out for Jesus in the midst of the mess, enjoying the beauty of the imperfect, believing He is worthy of it all.

Anything good you see is all because of Him.

I'm super passionate about helping women encounter Jesus and experience life-changing hope. Through my books, studies, speaking, and blog, I long to encourage and inspire Christian women to personally draw ever-closer to Christ, the Author and Finisher of their faith.

I love entrepreneurship, travel, rodeos, adventure, interior design, good hair days, deep friendships, and stories, but my most favorite things are the people in my life.

I'm a Midwest girl soaking up the sunshine in the American Southwest, living on chicken mole and sweet tea, homeschooling my three best friends (aka daughters) with the only guy I've ever kissed.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6