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When is "By the Creek of Harod" going to be released?

Great question! This is one I've been asking myself for the past decade or so. :) Finally, I have an answer! The manuscript has been completed and is now in the publishing process. We are anticipating it will be released in early 2025, and will certainly keep readers posted (new releases are announced first by email, so make sure you're signed up to receive those!)

Will there be a launch team for the new book?

Absolutely! And I would love for you to be on it! I will be announcing launch team details by email and on Instagram, so if you want to be part of the team, definitely watch there! Our last launch team was full within 24 hours, and I was absolutely blown away. I'd love to have you be part of this next one!

How do I access 'betrothed'?

The videos are actually hosted right here on my site, so they're available to you anytime and anywhere -- as long as you have internet access. You can watch them on your phone, tablet, or laptop, or even on your smart TV. Just use the log-in info that was emailed to you to sign into your account, and you can work through them at your own pace, though I recommend one per week if you are also working through the accompanying workbook (sold separately).

Can I use 'betrothed' with my small group?

Absolutely! You are welcome to use the videos for a group study. No need to purchase extra subscriptions (I'm more excited about people encountering Jesus as their Bridegroom than I am about making a profit!). My one request: have someone snap a picture of your group with your workbooks, or with the videos on in the background and tag me in it so I know you're working through it. I'd love to pray for you as you study together!

What's the hardest part about being an author?

The moment a book goes live. Suddenly this little world that lives in my imagination, that's just between me, my characters, my pajamas, and my laptop, is available for all the world to read, and a moment of panic hits me every. single. time.

Will you come speak at my church or to my group?

As you probably know by now, I love connecting, and I love talking about Jesus, so yes, I do book public speaking events! Because of the season of life I'm in with my girls still at home, I do have a limited amount of events I book each year to allow me to be faithful with my calling to motherhood. But please, reach out, and if I can fit it in, I would absolutely love to!

Do you ever do author events? I'd love to meet you!

OK, no one ever asks me this, but I really love connection and friends, so I can keep dreaming. Maybe one day. :) No, just kidding, but YES! We travel a lot, and when we do, I'll often hold a meet-up at a coffee shop. Readers and followers from IG & FB are welcome to come hang out and we talk about what books we've read lately, Jesus, motherhood, homeschool, tips for making sourdough, and life! Keep an eye on my stories, because I usually announce them there.

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