
Helping women encounter Jesus in the midst of the every day

Loved to the max

Loved to the max

“You don’t have to do everything.” This phrase blew across my heart like a refreshing wind a few months ago as I sat with the LORD. “I won’t love you more if you do." ...more


August 11, 20243 min read

Travel St Louis Missouri

Travel St Louis Missouri

We stopped in St. Louis, Missouri for two fun-filled days. We visited places like the zoo and the arch museum, ate great food, and had a blast with family. ...more


August 11, 20246 min read

Change rather than complain

Change rather than complain

Sometimes, we need to stay where we’re planted and learn to bloom. Other times, we need to realize we’re in a bad place and move. It's easier to complain than change. Be someone who does hard things. ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

Why what we focus on matters

Why what we focus on matters

We need to focus on, think about, and speak what we want, not what we don’t want. With so many blessings in our lives, there’s no sense picking out the things that aren’t ideal. ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

When Someone Hurts You

When Someone Hurts You

Their apology isn't up to you and you're not responsible for it. However, it is up to you to forgive. Don't let their choice make yours for you. Your choice is always yours. ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

Who I am in Christ

Who I am in Christ

Knowing who we are in and through and because of Christ is absolutely imperative to a Christian believer! Learn who God says you are with 50+ Who I am in Christ statements. ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

He took the fall

He took the fall

Sometimes, I think there’s a tendency to believe that when we mess up, we’re distanced from God. Instead, I believe that’s when He holds us the closest. ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

Overwhelmed - when the good keeps you from the best

Overwhelmed - when the good keeps you from the best

My day was full of really good things, and I loved it all. Truly. There was nothing I wanted to give up. But I was exhausted. I was so busy doing work for the LORD, that I had long since had time for ... ...more


August 11, 20245 min read

The Strategy of God

The Strategy of God

God is never caught off-guard by the circumstances we find ourselves in. He’s never left scrambling to try to fix things. His plan included redemption from the beginning. ...more


August 11, 20246 min read

Life is Something Worth Voting For

Life is Something Worth Voting For

Vote for something that you can believe in – vote for life! Vote for those who will champion the cause of the unborn, the innocent, the unprotected. ...more


August 11, 20248 min read

Confessions of a NICU Mom

Confessions of a NICU Mom

I’m so thankful for our time in the NICU – for the great medical care, but also for the things we learned and the people we met. ...more


August 11, 202410 min read

Three Ways to Instill Confidence In Your Daughter

Three Ways to Instill Confidence In Your Daughter

Take the opportunity to instill confidence in your daughter. Whether or not she acts like it, she’s listening, and it’s your privilege and responsibility to speak into her identity and self-worth as ... ...more


August 11, 20246 min read

Slow Down, Mama

Slow Down, Mama

If everyone is alive at the end of the day, it’s a win. Give yourself grace to leave some things for later, slow down, and enjoy the ones who won’t be the same tomorrow, today. ...more


August 11, 20243 min read

When You Don't Feel Like Forgiving

When You Don't Feel Like Forgiving

Whether you do it for them or for you, whether they’ve apologized a hundred times or they’ve never apologized and likely never will, make the choice to forgive. ...more


August 11, 20246 min read

How to Choose Happiness

How to Choose Happiness

If you consistently don’t feel happy, instead of looking at circumstances to improve, take a look at the decisions you’re making on a minute by minute basis. ...more


August 11, 20244 min read

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